Wednesday, April 6, 2016

More Ugliness

However you cut it, the Chicago Teachers Union rally last Friday has sparked a good deal of support in many quarters and a fair amount of negative press or attention. To some, blocking streets at the end of the rally went a bit too far. Another incident involved an individual, towards the end of the speeches, barking nasty comments towards the Chicago Police.

The Chicago Police? Whatever ones feeling about the police this rally was calling attention to school issues and concerns as well it should.

The Fraternal Order of Police, Dean Angelo, is none too happy about the incident and it has made its way to the press and social media. The CTU may certainly have not known such provocative comments would be made about the police but, nonetheless, the incendiary language 'happened on their watch.'

At a time when so much is at stake regarding education in Chicago, having an incident like this simply adds to the perceived (or real) woes which encumber CPS.


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