Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Harsh, Cold Facts

A good friend of mine who is a past teaching colleague, a current generous donor/volunteer for SCC and a parent of children at Jahn Elementary in Chicago has passed along some distressing news about what is taking place at Jahn right now. It is but another disturbing scenario that is part of saga of CPS and other inner city districts in America.

A good number of people are familiar with the CPS budget crisis and belt tightening underway but this Jahn parent confided that there have been THREE separate budget cuts (personnel and/or staff) THIS school year. Jahn, like other Chicago neighborhood schools, isn't even properly resourced at the start of the year so I don't have any idea of how they can survive three cuts.

Ever wonder why someone might be discouraged? What message does this send to the community? Ever ponder the plight of the kids and their families? This should, sadly, give you some indication why a teacher or student might throw in the proverbial towel.


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