Thursday, March 10, 2016

Really!! More Cuts

Todays's Chicago Sun Times got it right when there banner shouted, "Pinching Pennies for Pensions." A June 30th deadline is looming where a big pension payment ($688 million) has to be made. In order to meet that obligation, CPS is ordering is principals to spend as little as absolutely possible. Each part of the district has a goal of savings with the district hoping to save a total of $45 million by the June date.

What is so very incredible is the fact that principals have already made budget cuts of all sorts throughout this school year. It's not as if there is a huge 'slush fund' at each building. I know many principals who have had to make serious and harmful cuts to staff and programs. There is no 'rainy day' fund.

So, it looks as though as remaining funds that schools have wisely set aside will now be taken from them. The reward for being frugal is that you will not be able to use much of that 'rainy day' fund.

Good lord!!! How much more can schools, students, families and staff endure?


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