Monday, March 28, 2016

It's a Rainy Day

The wind is blowing the pelting rain sideways here in Central NY. Mind you, it's not a breeze but a howling wind. Walking up and down the streets of Skaneateles is out of the question this morning. Okay, now that I have given you the proverbial weather report and admitted I'm not prone to take a walk outdoors today, it's time to move on the education.

Actually, I think the driving rain is a pretty appropriate metaphor for what impoverished students have to deal with in many parts of rural and urban America today. The obstacles to getting ahead or keeping ones head above water are many and they are often roadblocks, like today's storm that I don't want to deal with, that haven't been created by those individuals trying to get a decent education, good paying job or, sadly, merely avoiding the pitfalls that are part of their daily lives.

If the storm is bad enough then dealing with it and moving on, for those living in blighted areas with too few resources, will be a difficult task at best. All the more reason for Schools Count Corp. to lend a helping hand.


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