Tuesday, August 18, 2015

You Know the Expression!

As the saying goes..."When the cat is away, the mice play!" Well, that is precisely the case as I took a break from blogging this summer. Much transpired over the past two months with regard to issues in education and leadership.

Sadly, many of the principals we have worked with over the past few years are no longer serving schools where we assist students. It's not as if they have left the occupation; rather, many have moved into other positions. The result is often a scenario where there is a lack of stability in a building where it is desperately needed.

On another note, Forrest Claypool is the new CEO of the Chicago Public Schools. Time well tell how that works out. Claypool is the former head of the CTA and he has brought some of his former colleagues to the CPS system.

And what would the end of the summer be like without the very real possibility of a strike at CPS?! All will be tested in order to arrive at a contract which everyone (or nearly everyone) can live with. Stay tuned!!


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