Friday, August 21, 2015

I Wouldn't Do it Again

I didn't vote for Jimmy Carter for President in 1976. Too bad he isn't running in 2016, I'd make up for that mistake made some 40 years ago.

Okay, this isn't about voting, politics or anything of that sort. As many of you know former President Carter has cancer. The soon-to-be 91 year old told the nation and world of his condition yesterday while answering questions about the disease, his prognosis, the work of the Carter Center all while reflecting on a whole host of other issues.

As I watched the press conference it was clear that President Carter was at ease and was both cheerful, thoughtful, candid, mellow and good natured. His affable way and smile were ever present.

President Carter, over the past 35 years has done much to improve the human condition throughout the world. There just might be no single President in the history of this wonderful nation who has done more to seek to better the quality of life of humans on this planet than President Carter.

What a good and decent man. I wish I could vote for him in 2016.


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