Thursday, August 20, 2015

Another Sad Chapter

In the ongoing story that, in my view, is taking place regarding the slow - maybe not so slow - tearing apart of neighborhood schools is the instance of a charter receiving greater funding than an nearby neighborhood school.

Both Polaris Charter Academy and Gregory Academy (the traditional neighborhood school) are roughly of the same size and with similar characteristics. This coming year Polaris will receive about $338,000 more in funding while Gregory will receive $184,000 less. By the way, Gregory will have more students this year than last year.

Gregory, by the way, is one of the schools we work with on a yearly basis.

Even if you didn't compare the two schools to one another (which makes complete sense) one has to wonder why any school should take nearly a $200,000 hit if enrollment is increasing. Speaking of taking a hit, the traditional neighborhood schools are due to collectively take a $146 million reduction in funding this year compared to last year.

Yes, this is a sorrowful chapter in the ongoing saga of traditional public schools suffering from being improperly funded. The cuts this year will hurt kids...of that you can be certain.


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