Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Verdict is In

You can look at nearly any study of Music Education and you will find the results are the same. Music makes a profound and positive difference in the lives of those involved. Quite simply music, performed by students over a period of time, improves nearly every aspect of their lives.

One study, ten years in length and involving 25,000 middle school and high school students, found that music enabled students to score higher on standardized tests (yes, I know I'm not a fan of them). By the way, it ought to be noted that this held true no matter the child's socio-economic status.

Other studies have found similar results. Prolonged Music Education in school improved Math, English and other academic skills. Beyond these findings, it should be noted that social and emotional growth is enhanced through Music Education.

I'm mentioning all of these findings as another way to induce my friends to find a way to collect music instruments so that I can provide them to Harvey, IL elementary school students. If you are longer using your trumpet, drums, sax, clarinet, trombone or flute, please consider donating to the cause.


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