Friday, April 24, 2015

Don't Exclude Me

I wonder what it would be like to enjoy music and that I had a desire to play a trumpet or sax and my family or the school couldn't really afford to spend the money on one. I guess I could continue to listen to some great jazz or the blues or some other genre of music but it wouldn't be the same unless I could get my hands on that precious instrument.

Admittedly, I have never played a brass instrument and am not likely to do so in my lifetime. But, like everyone else, I have gone without something I have long desired. I am sure those of you reading this blog have found yourself in a similar circumstance. It might, therefore, be easy to say to this child, "we never get what we want."

Of course, there is a difference here. What we are talking about is a situation where all students have access to a well rounded public education and that includes the arts. Yes, we all go without but, a public education for all must include exposure to every facet of what our culture and society has to offer.

With this in mind, I want to again extend an invitation to all to attend the HC Jazz Benefit on Monday, April 27th at 7:00 pm at the Community House in Hinsdale. Let's see to it that music is a part of each child's early education.


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