Monday, April 13, 2015

Creating the Harvey Band Program

The Harvey, IL school system has a wonderful junior high band program at Brooks Middle School. There are six elementary schools which feed into Brooks and our charity is working to start a band program within the elementary school system.

So here is a shout out to everyone who has ever played a music instrument...we could use some help!! If you have a clarinet, flute, trumpet, trombone, saxophone or drums that you no longer want or play please consider donating them to our charity so that we can, in turn, get them to the students in Harvey.

Dr. Adams, the Superintendent is thinking of starting a summer program as a lead-in to have actually band instruction in the upcoming 2015-16 school year. So, we have to get the instruments, at least two dozen of them, in the next two months so the program can get off the ground.

Just email me at and we can make arrangements for a pickup in addition to providing you with a gift receipt for your donation. Thanks for your consideration!


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