Tuesday, January 20, 2015


For the first time in 50 years, as reported by the Southern Education Foundation, a majority of America's public school children come from poverty. A staggering 51% of all Pre K - high school students are eligible for free and reduced lunches according to the report which tracked impoverished school children during the 2012-13 school year.

These are children, as the author noted who "are less likely to have support at home, are less frequently exposed to enriching activities outside of school and are more likely to drop out and never attend college." And these are but a few of the hardships faced by these students.

What does this mean? The implications are many on different fronts and I will explore some of them this week.

Of most immediate concern is the fact that schools will have to make financial and program decisions that are, in part, driven by this scourge of poverty and neglect. Perhaps laptops and other technology needs have to be put on the back burner to address poverty driven problems. Psychological and social support systems will certain need to come to the fore and demand immediate attention. To be sure, the physical and mental problems that poverty exposes will have to be addressed asap.

It is a shame that those at the lower rungs keep slipping...


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