Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Higher Education and Wages

The ticket to a middle class or a higher standard of living is tied closely to one obtaining a college education. And the bottom line is this...a university (college of juco) education seems to be getting more expensive by the day. As I mentioned yesterday, this leaves those in poverty a in real bind since coming up with the money for college is so very problematic.

Many who live in poverty and have jobs are employed in positions which pay the minimum wage. That minimum wage isn't enough to live on much less provide funds for college. In fact, having two full times jobs paying minimum wage won't do the trick. Now you can see why so many are fighting for an increase in the minimum wage in this country.

For those parents who want to see their children advance on to get a college degree, paying these folks what they merit for their work should be a no-brainer. There is some movement on the positive side in terms of paying fair wages but much remains to be done. Until this situation is really remedied then a college education will remain out of the reach of the poor.


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