Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year Musings

2015 marks the 8th year of the founding of Schools Count Corp and the 10th year of our charitable work! I never envisioned that so many people would step forward to help those in need. The many donors of time, energy and money have been incredible and this group of generous people seems to grow as the years pass. Those who collect coats, music instruments and classroom supplies continues to amaze me in terms of not just the sheer volume but in terms of the length of the sustainability of your efforts.

The call to action remains and the work to help those in need goes on. As we work to help those afflicted by natural disasters or the cruelty of poverty and neglect, no matter the causes for such harm, I want to invite you to continue to assist us as we endeavor to help those in need.

Many children simply don't have school supplies, various educational opportunities or they lack the proper clothing and/or nutrition in order to encounter success in the classroom. The kids need you and I'd be appreciative of your continued support. Let's make 2015 a year for children-in-need a year that will allow the students the opportunity to excel and grow.

Many thanks,

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