Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Kudo's to Mayor de Blasio

New York City, like too many other urban areas, has a number of students who are struggling. Plenty of administrators have applied all sorts of remedies to make changes. Mayor Bill de Blasio has announced some significant changes for 94 of the city's most troubled schools. The program is called Renewal Schools and it has some specific ideas that should provide added assistance to those with the greatest needs.

Students will receive an extra hour of instructional time each day, teachers will receive additional professional training, a number of the schools will be in line to pick up extra resources and the schools will have the ability to have summer school.

While these changes, on their own, will not change things overnight, they are a welcome idea. Instead of shutting down so called 'failing schools,' de Blasio is willing to see to it that neighborhood schools remain and that they are strengthened. From my standpoint, the idea of trying to keep a community vibrant and to help it recover/stay sustainable is partially dependent upon strong schools. As I see it, this is a step in the right direction.


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