Friday, November 14, 2014

Before you build another school...

CPS is spending a good deal of money to open new schools. I have talked at some length about closing dozens and dozens of neighborhood schools while watching other ones being built. There is another issue which should be addressed in terms of the budget and spending more money on new schools and it deals with the health of children.

Did you know that a good number of CPS schools have a nurse in the building one day a week? That's right, one day a week!!! So what about the other 80% of the week? It's left to others on staff to attend to the sick children.

Let's be clear, there are many, many important aspects to running a school but there aren't many things more important than the welfare of the children. In short, that means a nurse HAS to be in every building five days a week. Put another way, would you want your children to attend ANY school if there was a nurse available just one day a week?

The kids deserve better!


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