Monday, November 3, 2014

Cash Strapped?

It seems that all we hear out of CPS is that they are cash strapped and that cuts (all types including school closings) are necessary. I won't argue that CPS is short on funds but the fact that they can pay consultants far more in wages than they pay the CEO of the school system, and the Mayor for that matter, seems out of line.

I'm not an expert on what consultants ought to be paid but the optics on this are alarming.

Not only do the consultants make more than top city officials, the fact remains that many schools don't have the resources needed. I know some schools don't have the programs they would like to have for the children. As alarming as this scenario is the fact that some school principals have told me they don't have enough toilet paper or proper nursing care on an everyday basis.

This isn't merely about paying consultants, it is about getting classroom priorities taken care of, the priorities that most matter.

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