Monday, October 27, 2014

No Way to Treat Them

I find it insulting whenever I see that various government bodies fund schools based on a given amount per student. It as if, according to their thinking, that this is a 'fair' way of dispensing money. That might be true if all the other variables were the same. That's certainly not the case.

An affluent area in a district, with little crime, high employment and other positive school/learning environmental factors shouldn't be penalized for being successful. On the other hand school children in less affluent areas where other factors mitigate against learning could use greater funding to compensate for the negative influences surrounding the learning situation.

It may sound 'fair' to dole out the same amount of money to every school based on a particular amount per student but fair is in the eyes of the beholder. Just what comprises 'fair' in one situation is not necessarily so in another instance. What I believe is 'fair' is to provide each school what the leaders of that school deem as necessary to properly educate their students. In that regard, the amount provided per student will surely differ from one school to another.

We went through an era of 'separate but equal' and we don't need to go there again!!


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