Wednesday, October 1, 2014

No Cuts!!

Well, a bit of good news out of CPS late last week with regard to funding. The 10th day of school is always an important benchmark in terms of attendance as it relates to either an increase in funding or a decrease to the individual schools. Traditionally, if a school, on the 10th day of classes has fewer students than what was projected, that usually results in funding cuts to schools which have lower actual enrollment figures.

The CPS brass made a decision not to take back any of its money from schools that did come up short on enrollment. This is good news for the often cash strapped CPS-run schools. Sadly, many of these schools did see a reduction in student enrollment after 10 days of classes.

Thank goodness CPS didn't penalize the schools who suffered a shortfall of students. Any more cuts to these schools, some which face an array of problems, would further cripple learning and further inflame other issues and concerns within the various communities.


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