Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Need for Kids Winter Clothing

Cold, snow, ice, slush (an occasional warm day) and wind are all part of winter around Chicago. With the wintry weather not far away, it is time to help the students we work with in the Chicagoland area as the bad weather descends upon us! Aside from PK-8 grade winter coats, we are also collecting mittens, gloves, hats, boots and scarves for the children. These are the warm clothing items that the children are often missing and are just as necessary as a warm coat.

Keeping the children in warm winter wear has been a big part of the work of our charity over the past years and it continues to be a huge need according to school officials and parents. Many children wait for a bus or walk to school and nothing beats staying warm and dry as the students head to and from classes.

We will be collecting all of these items from Nov. 1st through Dec. 10th. As in the past, if you are kind enough to collect the clothing, I will be more than happy to stop by and pick them up. Give me a call at 630-863-6035 or email me at rich219@comcast.net and we can make arrangements. Sizes needed are children through adult medium.

As in the past, new clothing is always sought though we do accept very clean and 'gently used' items. Please accept my thanks for your consideration of helping us as we continue to support the kids.


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