Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ravitch on Reform

Diane Ravitch has it right when she comments on the belief system of far too many of the so called reformers!!   As Ms. Ravitch points out in "Reign of Error," many of these believers say that today's public schools are failing our children.

What the author points out is a historical perspective (truth) that escapes much of the public. 

It has been an age old argument that our schools are failing.   It is a belief steeped in myth.  By the way, all of those who long for 'the good ole days,' need some schooling.  In the past most of the children didn't even go to college and a fair number of students 'back then' didn't even attend school and a good number of them didn't even go on to graduate from high school.

In the past, children who are today labeled as disabled or Special Education more often than not didn't attend school, certainly if they did, it was rare that they graduated.   40, 500 or 60 years ago there were far fewer immigrants coming to the U.S.   Not so today!!!

Before you drink the 'reformers' koolade that says todays schools 'aren't what they used to be,' some real fact checking needs to occur.


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