Monday, September 16, 2013

Building New Schools? Amazing!

Michael Sneed's Chicago Sun-Times column had quite a 'scoop' on Mayor Emanuel's plans to open, yes open, new selective-enrollment high schools.   According to a Sneed source, Emanuel will solve elementary school overcrowding in a manner much like the plan to deal with the high schools.

In terms of the elementary schools, new buildings may be constructed or ones currently open may be expanded but Emanuel does not plan to reopen any of the schools that were closed this past spring.

What comes to mind are a few troubling thoughts.  First, I thought there was a shortfall of funds.   How can CPS afford possible new buildings while a budget crunch exists?  I'm not sure TIF funds can cover 100% of the construction.

Also, I have the very real sense that some of the elementary schools (almost 50 of them) shuttered this spring could well be used for either of these projects.   Building anew gives the appearnace, should any of the closed schools be reopened, that the mayor and the CPS brass made mistakes by closing so many at one time.   Good gosh, we wouldn't want to be seen in that manner, now would we?


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