Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Common Core is Here

Step aside ISAT and 'No Child Left Behind,' there is a new kid on the block and it's called Common Core.  Illinois joined with some 40 other states in 2010, declaring it would institute the Common Core in the 2013-14 school year followed by Common Core assessment implementation the following year.

I'm not completely schooled on Common Core but the idea is the depth in learning is now to be emphasized over breadth.   For my money both depth and breadth have always been critical in the process of educating a student.

A new emphasis is to be put on critical thinking and concept mastery in the English language arts and expanding academic vocabulary in Math.   These are among some of the highlights of the CCSS reforms.  Of course, once the standards are in place relative to what is being taught, then assessments will be implemented to determine the extent to which the standards are being achieved.

My sense is that the nation's schools are going to find it difficult to sort through everything to implement these standards by next fall.   I don't know of too many schools who have really got the ball rolling on this as of yet.   From what I hear, the standards will be pretty darn tough and the kids scores are likely to hit the skids.  I'm sure the press will be all over this and declare that the education system is failing the students.  

I'll have more to say on this in the coming days.


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