Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Success!! You're Done!

Out of the 61 schools being closed in the CPS system, there are 10 served as part of the work of our charity.  8 of the 10 schools have recorded significant gains in their ISAT scores from 2010 to 2012.  The percentages shown indicate the percent of students who 'meet or exceed' Illinois State standards.

Banneker:       2010: 42.3%       2012: 54.6%
Bethune:         2010: 41.9%       2012: 47.9%
Dumas:           2010: 57.9%       2012: 55.9%
King:              2010: 58.5%       2012: 65.6%
Lafayette:       2010: 63.1%       2012: 56%
Parkman:       2010: 43.9%       2012: 53%
Pope:             2010: 48.1%       2012: 66%
Songhai:         2010: 48.9%       2012: 59%
Wentworth:    2010: 54.6%       2012: 59%
W. Pullman    2010: 57.6%       2012: 58%

Well, there you have it!!  Major success by a majority of the schools we are pleased to work with.  As De Wayne Wickham writes in today's USA Today, "these decisions (to close schools) signal an indifference to the damage such policy decisions will have on neighborhoods that will be turned into public school deserts." 

Success...sorry, we are closing you down, you're done!



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