Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Just Thinking

The list of CPS school closing is getting closer by the day.  It is inevitable that schools will be closed forever.  Those closings will signal other changes and pose some serious questions.  For one, most importantly, how will the closings and subsequent moving of students to new schools affect the kids and their families?  Of course, student safety is a monumental concern.

But other issues seem to have been lost in the fog of the oncoming sea change regarding the closings.

What is to become of the hundreds, maybe thousands, of teachers, asst. principals, principals, cafeteria workers, safetey personnel and janitors?  I am absolutely certain many terrific people will be without a job or any realistic chance to apply for a job at other schools.  I really wonder if any thought has been given to their future.

I know darn well those at CPS, as is their job, the concern is over schools and education.  But somewhere along the line people need to have a sense of what to do about the community, its members, jobs and not allowing a community to be caught in the wave of blight that hits too many inner city areas.

Like I said...just thinking.


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