Saturday, March 23, 2013

Neglect is the Culprit

The CPS school closings that have made local and national headlines have provoked a good deal of discussion, much of it critical.  Are there empty seats...sure.  Does the district have financial problems due, in part, to underutilization...absolutely.

But this is only a portion of a much broader set of problems plaguing the areas in which the closed schools are located.  The closing of city schoolos is taking place because whole neighborhoods have been neglected for far too long.  The neglect is multi-faceted and deep. 

There has been a neglect to develop jobs, a neglect to properly insure public safety, a blatant turning of the eye to various neighborhood issues, an almost willful neglect to care for the infrastructure, a neglect to properly resource schools, a neglect of fundamental citizen rights and more.

All one has to do is to drive past the schools that are about to be shuttered to witness the signs of physical neglect.  Boarded up homes, vacant lots, closed factories and idle people are in abundance.  No wonder few want to live here.  No wonder there are empty seats in schools.  No wonder schools are closing.

When will the neglect end?  Sadly, none too soon.


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