Sunday, September 11, 2011

Time to Honor our Donors and Volunteers!

Dear Donors and Volunteers,

Never before has Schools Count Corp. been able to help so many students in so many locations. Because of your efforts we have been able to serve twelve New Orleans schools, twenty-six Chicago Public Schools, one Indiana school, seven tornado ravaged schools in Joplin as well as supplying some desperately needed funds to IMN School in Darbonne, Haiti.

Your generous monetary contributions and many efforts in various volunteer endeavors have been instrumental in aiding so many schools, teachers, students and families. Because of your terrific work, on behalf of others, I want to extend an invitation to you to attend our ‘Donor Volunteer Appreciation Dinner’ on Thursday, October 27, 2011. The dinner and program will take place in the Hinsdale Central High School student cafeteria. Doors will open at 6:00 pm and dinner will be served at 6:30.

Aside from seeing friends and meeting like minded people who are kind enough to serve a cause, the evening will also be quite special in that I will share some information and photos regarding a portion of our work during the past year. We’ll also hear from Ms. Carmilla Young, a most dynamic and energetic principal from Fuller Elementary School in Chicago. I’m sure you’ll find Ms. Young’s message both hopeful and uplifting.

Please join us for what will surely be a wonderful meal (with vegetarian choices) and a special program. Feel free to invite your spouse, neighbors, other family members and/or friends. Kindly email me at to give me the names of the people who will be attending the dinner. I’d appreciate getting all the reservations no later than Friday, Oct. 21st.

Kindly note that the meal is free and we will not be soliciting for funds this evening. This is a night to say ‘thank you.’

I look forward to seeing you and sharing in the accomplishments of our charity. I want each of you to know that I am most grateful for all that you have done for Schools Count Corp. and the children we serve.

Dick Flesher

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