Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Aid to Barton Elementary

Yesterday we made the trek to Clara Barton Elementary in the Auburn Gresham neighborhood with all sorts of school supplies. You name it and we brought it! Asst. Principal Ms. Higgenbotham was delighted that we could make it.

It turns out that we got the supplies to Barton just in time for a community 'Back to School' event this coming Friday, Sept. 16th. I will do my best to make the 2 pm to 6 pm festivities.

Though 96% of the children receive aid, due to poverty, in the form of meals, I got the sense that the surrounding neighborhood is doing plenty to revive itself. Lawns and homes were neat. The streets were clean and it was apparent, from all the posted signs, that the citizens are doing their best to keep the children safe and in school.

It seems to me as though these folks are doing their very best in many respects and it is reflected both in the school and neighborhood. My point is this...plenty of places in Chicago are working hard to create a better environment for their families, Auburn Gresham being one of them.


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