Thursday, September 22, 2011

Another Way to Look at It

There are critics out there who think that public education has gone the way of the Titanic. Such people accuse teachers of wrongdoing, unions of harming the educational process, and bureacrats of protecting the system.

I have never claimed that some poor teachers are out there or that some bureaucratic practices are sometimes out of touch with what goes on in the classroom.

But let's take another look at public education from a different vantage point. Let's examine how students have been affected by their teachers. Who hasn't had inspiring teachers? Plenty of us have had such individuals. Who hasn't had a teacher who we have gone to with some serious issue or problem, school related or not? It happens frequently. And who among us can claim a teacher or two as a role model? My guess is that there are plenty of individuals who can answer in the affirmative.

Though some reforms need to take place, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the vast majority of public school educators continue to inspire, will be there when needed and will act as a positive role model.

I for one, continue to see positive things taking place in public education.


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