Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Wolf At The Schoolhouse Door - Part 3

 Let me share some of the comments made by some of the wolves that may shed some light on what is passed off as failing public schools/education.   All of these comments, to a certain degree, can and do shape the public's perception of the quality of education in America and where we should/will go from here according to the critics.

Betsy DeVos had this to say..."So much has changed and our lives are better because of it."    She went on to say, in my view without seeing any connection to the progress she asserts, "So why is our education system so far behind the curve?"   

The list of prominent wolves is long and former Governor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, did his part to harm schools.   Act 10 not only stripped teachers and other public employees of their collective bargaining rights but it slashed $2 billion in aid to public schools.

Bryan Caplan, an economist at George Mason University's Mercatus Center (the Koch Brothers help to fund this), had this to say about the funding of education.  "Government should stop using tax dollars to fund education of any kind."

People may think that public education isn't under assault but the slow trickle of criticism seems to be gathering steam and many of the people with real power and money are aiding in this cause.


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