Monday, December 6, 2021

A book for all Educators and supporters of Public Education

 Okay, so my blog title is a trifle long!!!    But I have a suggestion of a book regarding the dismantling of public education and I'd like educator and non-educators to give it serious consideration.    The Jack Schneider and Jennifer publication is titled 'A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door.'

Though I'm just 50 pages into the text the book discusses the nearly 75 year effort to privatize public education through grants, vouchers, tax credits and more.    The whole idea is get, what critics of public education declare, wasteful and unwanted spending off of the backs of taxpayers.

The critics of public education, who want to privatize education in America, have all sorts of alleged reasons for the failure of public education and the need to privatize.    Their argument is multi-faceted; wasteful spending, union control, too much bureaucracy, poor results and more.

Over the next few days (perhaps even weeks) I'll further discuss the current state of affairs in the struggle to maintain our public education while many forces are aligned behind striking at the heart of the American public education system.


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