Monday, August 27, 2018

More on the Dept. of Education

The possible use of federal Dept. of Education funds to purchase firearms for schools has certainly stirred some controversy and it's not the first time Secretary DeVos has found herself in the cross hairs of controversy. The complaints have been many and over a good portion of her tenure.

Ms. DeVos has been quiet on the proposal to severely slash the department's funding. She's also not weighed in on the Administration's proposal to merge the Department of Labor with the Department of Education. Her silence on these issues has sent a chilling warning to the education community at large.

This past spring Ms. DeVos found it difficult to ease peoples concerns about the Dept. of Education not doing enough to stop 'abusive practices' by companies serving student loans.

Together, these controversies and others have not only shed a light on Ms. DeVos' ideas but they have put many education initiatives in peril. Hopefully, the vigilance of many in Congress and within the education network will serve to head off any harm.


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