Thursday, August 23, 2018

Dollars Do Matter

Those who strongly support and believe in public education are well aware of the need to have a broad curriculum including all of the electives. You name it; Music, FACS, Art, Physical Education, Foreign Languages, Tech courses and Shop and the answer is the same...they are invaluable to the growth of each student.

Here's where I'm going with this. If the above is indeed the case - and it is - then dollars DO matter!!

You can't provide a comprehensive public education on the cheap. Yes, I realize dollars need to be spent wisely. Prudent use of taxpayer dollars is critical. But to those who lament something along the lines of 'we're just throwing good dollars after bad' miss the point.

The mind and the growth of an individual is best fostered by providing a world class education. Anything less and we are shortchanging the children.


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