Friday, August 31, 2018

A Note of Thanks

Below is but one simple note of thanks that we receive at this time of the year as we've made our delivery of student supplies to the various CPS and Harvey IL schools. In many respects such simple notes are all the justification one needs to acknowledge our great donors and volunteers and their concern for others. To realize the sincerity and warmth with which our donations are received means so very, very much.

Hi Mr. Flesher,
Just wanted to let you know that the backpacks arrived here at Jensen sometime last week and to thank you and your organization again for your generosity!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Thanks to one and all,

Thursday, August 30, 2018

More of the School Safety Commission

Here's my take on things with regard to the School Safety Commission headed Ms. DeVos the Secretary of the Department of Education. There are some positives among them the fact that there have been numerous meetings of the commission as well as a number of stakeholders weighing in.

Here's my biggest beef. If the charge (which it is) is to look at school safety then ALL points need to be on the table including all issues with respect to firearms. Why? The commission is a result of a firearms shooting at a Parkland High School. So it simply makes sense that firearms would be investigated in full as part of the work of the commission.

To ignore any discussion of firearms is simply wrong.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Federal School Safety Commission

The good news is that Ms. DeVos, the Secretary of Education, has convened the School Safety Commission on a number of occasions this summer. There have been many witnesses to the four person commission including the Attorney General. There have been a wide range of opinions and thoughts regarding school safety put forth.

I'll get into more of these in the next day or two. At least two things seem clear from my examination of the reports that come out of the meetings; first, there seems to be a growing consensus that a type of 'citadel' - a strong fortress - is being touted. Also, the idea of arming teachers or other personnel has some attraction to the commission.

One thing seems evident to me...there seems to be little chance that the Commission will look at 'gun control' as it pertains to schools and school safety. This is an interesting/confusing juxtaposition in that the Commission might well arm personnel in schools but doesn't want to look at 'gun control.' Seems to me that they ARE dealing with the issue, dealing with it by potentially allowing guns to be out of control!


Tuesday, August 28, 2018

A Drop in Dept. of Educ. Funding

I always think it is important to be steeped in facts in order to be informed prior to rushing to judgement or making any assessments. In looking at the Department of Education funding going into 2019 I have noticed that the budget has been slashed by over $3 billion from the 2017 level.

As we have more students involved in education, both public and private, with a greater demand for all types of additional services, it seems to be a black mark that doesn't bode well.

Though the U. S. Dept. of Education is but one element of the total funding in the country, the 5% reduction is bound to harm various programs. In fact, beyond the drastic reduction in funding, the department is also looking at 'streamlining, eliminating, or reducing 39 programs.

For this educator I am saddened at this unfolding news.


Monday, August 27, 2018

More on the Dept. of Education

The possible use of federal Dept. of Education funds to purchase firearms for schools has certainly stirred some controversy and it's not the first time Secretary DeVos has found herself in the cross hairs of controversy. The complaints have been many and over a good portion of her tenure.

Ms. DeVos has been quiet on the proposal to severely slash the department's funding. She's also not weighed in on the Administration's proposal to merge the Department of Labor with the Department of Education. Her silence on these issues has sent a chilling warning to the education community at large.

This past spring Ms. DeVos found it difficult to ease peoples concerns about the Dept. of Education not doing enough to stop 'abusive practices' by companies serving student loans.

Together, these controversies and others have not only shed a light on Ms. DeVos' ideas but they have put many education initiatives in peril. Hopefully, the vigilance of many in Congress and within the education network will serve to head off any harm.


Friday, August 24, 2018

DeVos and the Gun Issue

Apparently the Secretary of Education, Ms. DeVos, is considering using funds from the $1 billion Student Support and Academic Enrichment grant to arm teachers with guns in the nation's classrooms. Now this should come as a major shock for any number of reasons not the least of which is this...most children would be all the more upset and fearful.

There is another reason why DeVos' consideration of putting guns in the classroom is wrong. Just this past March the U. S. Congress passed the School Safety Bill which expressly prohibits the use of the money to put firearms in schools. It seems clear that our House and Senate don't want monies used for the purpose of arming school personnel.

One can only hope that Ms. DeVos will take a much more serious look at the many ways of improving school safety absent putting more firearms in our schools.


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Dollars Do Matter

Those who strongly support and believe in public education are well aware of the need to have a broad curriculum including all of the electives. You name it; Music, FACS, Art, Physical Education, Foreign Languages, Tech courses and Shop and the answer is the same...they are invaluable to the growth of each student.

Here's where I'm going with this. If the above is indeed the case - and it is - then dollars DO matter!!

You can't provide a comprehensive public education on the cheap. Yes, I realize dollars need to be spent wisely. Prudent use of taxpayer dollars is critical. But to those who lament something along the lines of 'we're just throwing good dollars after bad' miss the point.

The mind and the growth of an individual is best fostered by providing a world class education. Anything less and we are shortchanging the children.


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Skinny

For the most part public schools are funded by the local taxpayers by paying their property taxes. In school districts where the property values are high due to a variety of factors. In those school districts where property values are low and continue to slid, there is a dearth of funds for schools.

All this being said I'm still, after all these years, perplexed that public education - that is the children - are subject to the dizzying array of financial factors that I believe shouldn't have anything to do with the quality of education that EVERYONE deserves.

When people talk about reform perhaps it ought to have more to do with funding than tinkering with the structure of schools.


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Schools Count - Moving Ahead

Dear Donors, Volunteers and Friends,

I hope this note finds you well and that you have been able to enjoy your summer!

Much is taking place with Schools Count Corp. and, to say the least, there is much excitement surrounding our efforts to assist those in need. Both Archer Daniels Midland and the Daughters of the American Revolution organizations, along with the many donors - yourselves included - are continuing to generously fund our many efforts to help students in need both here in the Chicago area as well as abroad. I'll pass along more information regarding their efforts in the coming days.

Two weeks ago Schools Count delivered school supplies and uniforms to 34 CPS and Harvey, IL schools. The supplies are a welcome way to get students off on a positive note as the school bells ring in the coming days. Our volunteers were remarkable, two weeks ago, in terms of getting the resources to where they are truly needed.

One of the prominent organizations that continues to support Schools Count is the Hinsdale Central High School boys varsity soccer team. A group of boys (Ryan Counts, Marcus Gruvberger, Kosta Kinnas, John-Paul Ltief and Gavin Schwarz) is making great strides at putting together a number of fundraisers through the KICK initiative. There will be an auction, cash raffle and much more. In the coming days fundraisers at Portillo's (in Willowbrook on Monday, Sept. 17th from noon to 8 pm) and Chipotle (in Westmont on September 10th from 5 to 9 pm) will benefit KICK and Schools Count. I'd be pleased to send you the flyers. Just email me at and I'll get them to you!! You have to present the flyer in paper form or on your phone in order for us to reap the rewards.

Please be sure to stay in touch and to follow all that is taking place with Schools Count. You can keep abreast of all that is occurring by following us at our website at and by checking in daily by going to our blog at

I appreciate all that you have done and continue to do to support the students we help along their education journey.


Dick Flesher

Monday, August 20, 2018

Unfilled Seats

Though the Chicago Public School students don't hit the books until Sept. 4th there are still plenty of events unfolding as the lead-up to the ringing of school bells. Even though our charity doesn't work with high school students we remain concerned and vigilant with respect to matters affecting the children in the neighborhood schools.

By this point in time most incoming freshman students have enrolled. Of the 40,000 seats allocated for incoming freshmen, nearly 14.000 seats remain unfilled. Of course one of the factors leading to this shortfall is the huge loss of population of families with school age children. The CEO of CPS, Ms. Janice Jackson, admitted as much.

There are other factors that certainly are at play in terms of fewer freshmen enrolling in the public schools. One thing is certain, the footprint of what CPS high schools will look like in the years to come is bound to undergo serious change.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

What's the Alternative?

Given the abject poverty of many rural and inner city areas of America it is little wonder that many school districts and, by association, hundreds of thousands of children are in desperate need of numerous resources. Not coincidentally, teachers and the parents of students feel the very same effects.

So, the point is this...if children in public schools don't have the proper resources then how can we expect them to succeed and succeed on ANY level? We are shortchanging them and, in turn, doing the same to ourselves.

And I'm not simply talking about earning high grades in school and then later on at the university level. We owe to our young to see to it that they are well equipped citizens and that they have the opportunity to add to the legacy of their families and the society at large.

So, in short, the alternative to help those in need. That's our mission.


Monday, August 13, 2018

Now is the Time

Yes, the children will soon head back to the classroom and, in turn, they'll find that they have some new supplies waiting for them. We are continuing to work with 35 CPS and Harvey, IL schools. As pleased as we are to serve thousands of students we'd like to be able to help others.

Just because we've made our deliveries doesn't mean that our work is done. There are many more schools, students, teachers and families that could use some additional assistance. The bottom line is this...we can't become complacent. We need to find a way to forge ahead and do more.

We can't sit on our laurels. To join in please consider making a donation of a music instrument or a cash donation. Simply email me at


Sunday, August 12, 2018

School Bells are Ringing!

Thanks to all of the wonderful volunteers in these photos, Schools Count was able to deliver 4,000 binders, 25,000 folders,
11,600 notebooks, 5,000 crayons, 800 backpacks, 600 school uniforms, 1,000 colored pencils, and 30,000 pencils to some eager Chicago Public School and Harvey IL students.

I want each and every donor and volunteer to know that you have put smiles on the faces of the children in addition to seeing to it that they have the supplies needed for Day 1 of school.


Girls Singing at IMN

Classes Singing at IMN

IMN School Opens

Driving into Port Au Prince

IMN School Welcome

Tour of IMN School

IMN School