Monday, February 26, 2018

We Could Use Your Help

I often hear people talking about trying to find ways to help others. Well, you have come to the right spot!! Our charity is always looking for more ways of helping children whether in Chicago, storm ravaged areas in other parts of America or outside of the continental states.

The more donations we receive the more we can do to help students in the classroom. That's our goal - a simple one - to assist children in their education. That may mean new books, pencils, music instruments, art supplies, binders, folders, athletic gear, uniforms...the list is literally endless.

To help children in need you can help in any of two ways. First, you can write a check payable to Schools Count Corp. and mail it to Dick Flesher, 9550 140th Court, #112, Orland Park, IL. 60462. The second manner of donating can be achieved by going to our website... and clicking on the donation button. That's it. And your tax deductible contribution will be put to good use right away.

As always, thank you for your assistance and consideration!!


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