Monday, February 19, 2018

Justice and testing in Education

So the City of Chicago school system says that 65% of an elementary school's ranking is based on the results of test scores. As I continue to give thought to this arbitrary number (and I believe it is) there are a number of major problems and concerns connected to it aside from the frustration that such a number exists outside of the input of school personnel inside the various buildings.

Today I'll attempt to tackle one of the major disturbing elements that should concern educators in Chicago as well as across America.

As alluded to, the 65% figure is an arbitrary one. Why is it 65% and not 60%, 41% or even 80%? I have never seen nor have teachers in CPS or the general public ever been provided with a rationale for this number. And if that is indeed the case then the whole thing is little more than a sham particularly when it comes to having anything to do with student success or the larger issue of improving their welfare or human condition.

This rating makes no sense and it ought to be done away with.


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