Friday, December 15, 2017

Want Ad - Calling All Teachers

Yesteday I brought attention to the fact that America's classrooms are going without teachers. It doesn't matter if it's the suburbs, rural locations or the inner cities...there is a teacher shortage in the US. Bringing young people into the fold, retaining them and making sure that all programs are fully staffed is a must for public education.

Too often it takes a crisis or problem to come into full view before we take any action. Well, the time is now because the teacher shortage in America is real.

It is high time that teachers in the classroom encourage young people to carry on the mantle of teaching. It is incumbent upon the IEA, AFT and NEA to provide funding in the form of grants to high schools so that secondary teachers can implement Introduction to Teaching courses that put high school students in the elementary and middle schools. And it ought to be a priority for the Department of Education to take up the cause of fighting to stop the shortage.


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