Thursday, December 14, 2017

Me Panic...Well, Yes

Not to worry everyone. All is well on the front to recruit, retain and keep teachers in the field of public education. Well, panic, at least for me has set in. Hyperbole - I'll let you judge for yourselves so in the meantime I'll present some non-fake information.

I've talked about the crisis in rural schools...shrinking population, too few dollars and a dwindling supply of teachers. That loss of teachers goes for public schools in suburban areas as well as in the inner cities. A number of states are loosening their standards or licensing requirements out of necessity - there are simply too few people in the classrooms. High schools in particular are finding it harder and harder to find good candidates for teaching our children.

As the above takes place, schools are simply not filling slots and are allowing the so called 'electives' to die a slow death.

And this limited supply of teaching professionals is just as bad for schools who are searching for competent substitute teachers. Thousands of substitute teacher slots go unfilled every single day, day in and day out. I'll let you venture a guess as to what gets done in the classroom when that occurs.

Universities across America are finding fewer high school graduates desiring to enter the profession. Some universities are shuttering their education curriculum altogether.

As a former teacher, I have to say that such a trend portends some serious thinking and action to address these problems. So, yes I see a reason for panic.


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