Thursday, February 16, 2017

First Steps

Our charity works with young people by assisting them in school. It's no mystery why we do it. A public education is fundamental to realizing ones worth, potential and the contributions they can make to their family and country. But ours is a mission that can't be the sole element of helping people, a neighborhood and nation.

This morning Mary Mitchell, in a Chicago Sun Times piece, pointed out the fact that the alleged person charged with the death of Takiya Holmes was 'protecting drug turf when he fired at drug dealers who were selling marijuana on his crew's spot.' This according to Cook County prosecutors.

Here's the point, WE, yes we, have to see to it that not only drugs are off the street but that jobs are put back on these city lots. Selling cars has to replace selling dope. Selling groceries has to replace peddling pot. Putting federal dollars into building factories is more vital than 'bringing in the feds.'

Get our young men off the streets and into a factory. Get them real jobs and help to make their lives meaningful. For the sake of these people, and all the innocent people killed, let's see to it that we do our part to stop this madness.


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