Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A CPS Freeze

The latest news regarding the funding of CPS schools is bleak to say the least. According to today's Chicago Sun-Times the cuts 'hurt majority Hispanic schools at twice the rate of schools serving mostly white children, and cut poor schools at twice the rate of wealthier ones.'

Those schools which are have at least 51% of their student population comprised of Hispanics saw total budget frozen at the rate 1.8% while those schools which are at least 51% white saw their total budgets cut by 0.9%. These are the facts. Further, the Sun-Times reports that 'schools where 3 out of 4 kids are poor lost 1.7% of their money; roughly double the 0.8% lost by schools where just 1 of 4 kids is poor.

This scene fits the narrative, in part, that I've been covering over the past couple of days relative to properly resourcing the neighborhood schools in Chicago. These cuts merely add to the staggering obstacles that schools, families and neighborhoods have to overcome in terms of fighting violence, poverty, blight and the loss of hope.

What a sad and painful commentary on our country.


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