Friday, October 21, 2016

Funds for Bel Platon Community School

Our goal is to help the children and families of Bel Platon Community School by raising $6,000.00 by Friday, October 28th. Through the first week we have raised $3,350!! I can assure you that $6,000.00 would do a GREAT deal to help the kids and community of Bel Platon.

Speaking of the community, Bel Platon is a village that is spread out over a number of miles. The population numbers in the hundreds though I don't have a firm census count. The school itself has slightly more than 100 students along with 9 teachers, 2 support staff and a number of volunteers.

As I mentioned yesterday, the island took a big hit and Bel Platon is an area on the southern end of the island of La Gonave where Hurricane Matthew came ashore and literally ravaged a good portion of the area before moving northward. The island also did encounter a good deal of damage as a result of the 2010 earthquake and La Gonave has long been called the 'forgotten island.'

Any donation you can make for this special relief fund would be greatly appreciated. In working with Haiti Partners, as we have before, I can assure you that the funds will absolutely be used to aid Bel Platon. If you have questions or need further information please don't hesitate to let me know.

Many thanks!

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