Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Bel Platon Community School in Haiti

Working through Haiti Partners, Schools Count Corp. has a school that we will help rebuild in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. As many of you know, the hurricane ravaged many parts of western Haiti including the island of LaGonave. The Bel Platon community took a huge hit; the school was damaged, crops destroyed, homes ruined and much more.

One of my friends, Erik, who works for Haiti Partners said that an associate of his is heading to the island later in the week. This will help us get a better assessment of the damage to the school and the impact on the students and their families.

To help us get the Bel Platon school and students on their feet, I'd like to extend an invitation to you to make a tax deductible donation to the cause. If you are contributing via check please send it to Dick Flesher and make it payable to Schools Count Corp.
Kindly mail it to 14004 John Humphrey Dr., Orland Park, IL. 60462. Of course, donations can be made online by going to our website, www.schoolscountcorp.org and contributing.

Below are some photos of the flooding on La Gonave

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