Friday, January 29, 2016

What a Shame!!

I will likely never live in Alabama but I have a deep concern for the state, its students and residents. In the past few days the Alabama State Board of Education, because of the teacher shortage, has now said that people can teach the state's students even though these people will not possess teacher certification. That's right, you can teach in Alabama even though you aren't certified.

These part-time teachers will be called adjunct teachers and can teach in any subject area. I get it...this is one way to address the problem of a teacher shortage.

What worries me most about this idea and the problem of the crisis nationwide is that the inability to get highly qualified teachers into the classroom means that the kids are shortchanged. You can cut it any way you want but, poorly prepared people going into the classroom will have an adverse affect on the children.

No child, rich or poor, in any part of America should be educated in this manner.


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