Thursday, January 14, 2016

A Real Warning

I realize that things go in cycles; business, the ups and downs of the stock market, people having good days and then a 'not so good day. The same is true of people who enter various professions. At times there are many lawyers, engineers or teachers who can't find a position and at other times these fields have real needs.

Right now, in Illinois (I suspect this is true of other states) there is a teacher shortage in many areas. The Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools did a state wide survey and the results are shocking and troubling. The indicators of teacher shortages seems less like a cyclical event and a real harbinger of some a radical change with serious consequences.

The survey found that, of the schools responding to the questions, 75% said they are seeing fewer qualified candidates to fill positions. 16% of the respondents said they cancelled programs or classes due to the shortage of teachers. Eliminating programs and classes?! That's right.

Tomorrow I will get into the 'nuts and bolts' of why this is taking place but it is worth noting that this occurrence is not merely cyclical.


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