Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Optics Aren't Good

Yesterday some 200 people gathered at Daley College to speak on behalf of building additional Noble Charter Schools, some spoke against the plan while still others talked about the need to make repairs to Kelly High School. That last point was made because Noble wants to build a charter in the vicinity of Kelly.

What should not be lost on anyone is the fact that the desire to build charters is ongoing as is the likelihood that the CPS administrative brass will go along with this scenario.

Proof of the above is the fact that five charter operators are seeking CPS Board of Education approval to open 13 new schools in September of 2016. That's right...13 new charters. By the way, CPS has recently stated that they are withdrawing all start-up money for the new charters.

To some, that may sound encouraging. Sadly, I believe the charters will tap into private funding and if that is the case, in my view, then you are seeing the very essence of public education being eroded at its core.

Sad indeed


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