Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A Death Blow

A terrific band instructor is being RIFed part way through the school year. That's right!! Because of decreasing enrollment at this particular school this teacher is being let go after the band program and school year have commenced. This raises lots of questions and concerns but I will pose a personal one to each of you. Here it is...How would you like it if your son and/or daughter had their competent teacher cut?

Mind you, this is not a RIF situation because of poor performance in the classroom. No, according to the brass this is about lower enrollment. You see it is all about dollars.

Okay, how about some other big issues aside from dollars. Who will teach band to the children? Will band be held five days a week? If there is band practice/instruction, what will be the quality of the instruction? What will happen to the instruments if there is no band? What was looked at, if anything, in order to keep this competent teacher?

This is but another example of the erosion of 'electives' in public education and I, for one, am tired of it. By the way, FACS, Music, Tech Ed., Art, Business Ed., Shop, and others should not be considered electives. These are programs that are fundamental to our system of public education.

Just one more 'death blow.'


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