Friday, March 13, 2015

Putting a Halt to the Pipeline

No, I'm not talking about the XL oil pipeline in the Midwest!! That being said, the pipeline that does exist between school suspensions and prison are certainly toxic and something has to be done about it. Schools can do their part just as surely as the parents of children.

From a standpoint of schools, as I mentioned yesterday, they need to take a hard look at what they are doing right now in terms of dealing with the misbehavior, or worse, of students.

Allow me to offer this. School personnel need to work at defusing volatile situations. That is certainly not enough but it is a start. When it comes to individual poor choices and actions of individual students, it is critical that schools embark on the path of 1 to 1 counseling. This takes place with teachers in the classroom, Deans, and Social Workers.

At the very least, schools need to look at finding ways to keep students in schools. Too many students who have significant behavior issues are all too happy to get out of school. Let's find ways to keep them engaged and in the classroom.


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