Thursday, March 5, 2015

Not Skipping School, Just Skipping PARCC

At least two North Side CPS schools, Nettelhorst and Blaine Elementary, are skipping the administration of the PARCC test which commences next Monday. In fact an "opt-out bill passed out of a House committee Wednesday in Springfield." Still other schools are considering opting out of giving the exam.

The reason for not participating in the testing is simple. As the Blaine PTO put it, "our students can get back 10 hours of vital classroom instruction." The Blaine Principal, Troy LaRaviere, supports the PTA in terms of maximizing classroom instruction. That's it. Parents, teachers and many administrators want teaching and learning to take place rather than spending the time on standardized testing.

Remember CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett doesn't think the test is in the best interests of the students.

Maybe some legislators in both state and federal government circles will start coming to the realization that teaching and learning trumps constant high stakes testing.


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