Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Say Yes to Neighborhood Schools

The so called 'school reform' movement pushes selective schools, school choice, charters, 'new and improved standardized testing,' and so much more. Along the way, not coincidentally, the traditional neighborhood public school is seen as being disposable.

For anyone who feels that way about neighborhood schools I have a few things to say about the matter. The very term 'neighborhood' is more than a namesake. It gets to the very essence of the meaning of a community. A neighborhood public school is one of the elements that binds people together. People living in a geographic area tend to have common interests and shared experiences.

Ask any child why they like their school and they will comment that it is where they have their best friends. True, one can find other friends in other locations but the very fact that someone across the street or down the block goes to the same school is most significant.

A school, like a grocery store or religious organization, binds people together. Close or shutter any of these and the ties that bind people together are severed. If not severed then they are certainly torn. Take a look at a vibrant community, maybe yours, and you'll see businesses in full operation, a public school(s), a library, a fire department, a post office, or other such body.

Close the neighborhood public school and you've hurt the kids and the very essence of that town, community or village. Neighborhood public schools are a must.


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