Friday, September 19, 2014


The Illinois Senate passed SB 16 the other day though the House is yet to act on it. In short, the bill will redirect money from some areas, typically ones in better shape financially, to areas where funding is a problem. Yes, that means some of the wealthier collar counties will get less funding than areas with greater poverty.

Understandably, some will lament the loss of state funding while others will heave a sigh of relief if the House passes the bill and Governor Quinn signs it.

From my perspective, there are far too many inner city children (not just Chicago) and numerous rural areas that surely need an infusion of funds. I realize that it is asking some to give up some dollars but I hope they see the larger picture and heed the call for help in these areas of need.

The point is this...if education is critical then it is critical for ALL children. This is a plea for those areas who will lose funding to realize the benefit gained by all of us in terms of reaching out to those with greater needs.


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