Monday, May 5, 2014

Why So Selective?

Question for you...Why are there a very few selective schools in the CPS system as opposed to every school being considered selective? Better yet, why do 'selectives' even exist?

The people who work in selective schools haven't done anything wrong. They go about their teaching and administrative duties just like those who work in the traditional neighborhood public schools. However, it is my view that those who have created selective schools have, perhaps unwittingly, done real harm to the non-selective school students.

First of all, the use of the term 'selective,' on its face implies that some students 'have it' while others don't. The term sadly serves to further divide or allow a chasm to exist and proliferate. Stop and think about it for a minute and I believe you'll agree the term 'selective isn't a positive connotation for those who aren't able to attend these schools.

As I've mentioned on other occasions, selective schools rely heavily on standardized test scores. Though other socio-economic factors are weighed into how 80% of the students are viewed in terms of applying/being accepted into selective schools, the heavy reliance on standardized tests nonetheless precludes many of those who most need the educational help and support form receiving it.

Let's select those neighborhood schools in impoverished areas, often with the fewest resources, to garner the benefits they so richly deserve.


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